Pivot the Contribution
Hi families,
It has been another incredible week of growth in Blueprint! Our pillars focus was Pivot the Contribution this week. Students began each day focusing on how to contribute positively to themselves and each other, specifically with positive thinking and word choice. We have found that setting the tone for our day with these themes has really given our Blueprinters the opportunity to grow as people as well as learners. It allows for powerful conversations, connections, and creates an influential guiding principal for the incredible work we see each week.
Students have begun to use their Project Design to set daily learning targets to reach their bigger goals that they worked so hard to write and design in their Snapshot. Using the Bloom's Taxonomy framework, students can classify their learning objectives into actionable daily goals. Students use these goals and the outcomes from seminars to build their day and add evidence to their Project Design to showcase and prove their learning. As students work through these objectives, seminars are created both from their suggestions and observations from facilitators. Students can select the seminars they wish to attend based on their need and progress. While students are not in seminars, they have the opportunity on working towards their project goals and conferencing with facilitators to receive constructive feedback.
This week the following seminars were offered to help support and guide students through their learning:
Giving Intentional Feedback: I will learn to give intentional feedback to my peers so that I can collaborate in a meaningful way.
Writing Daily Learning Targets: I will be able write daily learning targets so that I can successfully manage my day to achieve my goals.
Identifying a Credible Source: I will be able to determine whether or not the source I’m using provides credible information.
Organizing Research: I will be able to organize my research so that the information is easy to read and understand.
Finding Good Information: I will be able to pull useful information from my research to help me achieve Targets.
Leveling Up Bloom’s: I will be able to write learning targets that move up the Bloom’s Ladder to a higher level.
Constructive vs. Destructive Feedback: I will be able to give my peers constructive & intentional feedback on their snapshots.
Six Traits: I will be able to use the six trait rubric to give myself and others intentional feedback.
Steal Like An Artist - Not a Plagiarist! I will be able to modify my research so it is in my own words.
Peer Feedback Shake Down: I will be able to apply my learning from the intentional feedback seminar to give constructive feedback to my peers.
Schedule it! I will be able to use my Google Calendar effectively to help me plan my day and keep me organized.
Looking Back to Move Forward: I will be able to shift from a reflection to a learning target by studying habits of mind, and practicing deeper reflection.
We will continue to offer and repeat seminars designed for our students' needs to help them to keep moving forward and find success within their personal pathway. We could not be more proud of their focus, dedication, resiliency, and fervor as we strive for a higher level of thinking and independence.
As Blueprint is a new program at Sage Canyon, with new ideas, vocabulary, structure, and systems, we thought it might be helpful to provide you with a list of questions that you can ask your child at the end of each day. We deeply appreciate and value the partnership we have with our families and feel that your help in guiding these conversations can be pivotal in your child's success, deepening their understanding and learning.
Here are some suggested discussion questions or as we like to call them, "dinner table topics: "
1. Tell me about one of your learning targets today.
2. Did you attend any seminars today? What did you learn? How will it help you in your project?
3. What is your Pillars (or Pivot) theme this week?
4. What did you take away from pillars this morning? How did you make this a part of your day?
5. Did you discover anything interesting in your research today? What else are you wondering about?
6. What evidence were you able to add to your Project Design today?
7. Can you show me your Project Design? I'd love to see your learning!
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We are forever grateful for the moments and hours we get to spend teaching your kids. We are learning so much from them as well!
All our best,
The Blueprint Team